Another Word for Gender: An Intro to Feminist Organizing and Action (Sept 15 – Oct 4)

The 2110 Centre for Gender advocacy invites you to our 2011 Fall event series! Mark down any events that interest you in your calendar, and, by all means, circulate this info as widely as possible. All are welcome.

Start the school year off right by fighting gender oppression! Come out to the Centre for Gender Advocacy’s annual back-to-school event series.


*Note: Events are free and open to all, students and non-students alike! Unless otherwise indicated, events take place at 1500 de Maisonneuve, Suite 404.

Thursday September 15th:
2PM: TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL: Open House at the 2110 Centre for Gender Advocacy’s new 2nd location

7:30PM: Wine & Cheese w/ performances and open mic

Come one come all! Bring us a riddle, a rhyme, a rant, or a rave.

Friday September 16th:
2PM: Gender Inclusive Cities: Campus Walking Tour and Safety Audit with Women in Cities.

Where do we feel safe/unsafe and why? Join us for a guided tour of the campus and embark upon a participatory safety audit (bring your cameras, notepads etc!) This event is aimed at promoting gender inclusive access to public spaces.

Monday September 19:
7:30AM: Bus to Ottawa for the 2011 Walk4Justice rally, a cross-country walk to raise awareness about missing and murdered Native women.

Join an incredible group of front-line Indigenous woman activists and their allies—the Walk4Justice–for a rally on parliament hill. They have walked all the way from Vancouver to raise awareness about about missing and murdered Native women. The bus leaves from 2110 Mackay and heads back around 1pm.

Tuesday September 20:
6PM: Intro to Peer Support and Advocacy program (with
 active listening workshop)

Learn all about our peer-to-peer support and advocacy services and find out about volunteer opportunities. Stick around for an introductory training on active listening techniques.

Wednesday September 21:

6PM: Intro to Sexual Assault Awareness

This workshop is designed to provide a basic understanding of consent and personal boundaries in the context of sexual assault. We will explore people’s right to define their own experiences, why consent can be complicated, communication of comfort levels, and what resources are available to survivors within Montreal.

Thursday September 22:
3:30PM: Screening of “The Morgentaler Affair” and 
Reproductive Justice Teach-in on abortion access

This film documents Dr. Henry Morgentaler’s defiance of Canadian abortion law and the civil rights battle waged in Quebec and federal courts between 1970 and 1976. Stick around after for a discussion on the state of abortion access in Canada.

Friday September 23:
6:30PM: Students Stand Up! A Panel on Student Movements to Address Sexual Violence (CSU lounge, 7th floor of Hall building)

Volunteers from US-based organization Students Active for Ending Rape (SAFER) and McGill’s Sexual Assault Centre of McGill Students Society (SACOMSS) discuss their experiences in student-led movements that address sexual violence on Canadian and American campuses, and what they mean for the Concordia community.

Saturday September 24:
11AM: Students Active For Ending Rape (SAFER) organizing workshop

Come and learn strategies for creating an effective, meaningful response to sexual assault on campus.

Monday September 26:
6PM: Find Your Talk. Raise Your Voice. (Creative Writing/ Spoken Word) with Moe Clark and Alessandra Naccarato

This workshop mixes protest and rebellion with the beauty of expression. Giving prompts relating to themes such as social justice and gender, participants will be invited to explore their unique voice through song and spoken word.

Tuesday September 27:
2PM: Direct Action Training

Throughout history, direct action and civil disobedience have been essential tools for creating social change. This workshop will introduce participants to the history,  theory and practice of direct action, and place direct action into a frame of modern social movements. Participants can expect to learn both practical tools for engaging in actions, as well as an intro to strategy and action logic.

6PM: Media for Social Change

This interactive workshop will help you develop story-based messaging that can reframe your issues, speak to people’s values, and tell a different future than the one projected by power-holders. Learn to strategically access the mainstream media and effectively communicate your message.

Come to both!

Wednesday September 28:
2PM: Activism and Alienation: a discussion

We will explore the need for social movements to be inclusive learning spaces, open to all who oppose systems of domination and systemic inequality regardless of experience, education, or cultural background. Activism is for everyone! Let’s nix the elitism and BUILD social movements!

6PM: Natural Rhythms and Cycles: Fertility Awareness Method workshop

Interested in a completely natural form of birth control? The Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) is a precise way to understand your body’s cycles. Not to be confused with the inaccurate “rhythm method,” this workshop will outline the basics, clarify myths, and explain when FAM is and isn’t an ideal method. Open to women and men interested in learning.

Thursday September 29:
2PM: Trans’ 101 workshop

This workshop will challenge your understanding of gender and shed light on some of the struggles faced by Trans’ people. We will discuss gender identities and expressions, terms, definitions as well as the role of allies. Let’s create an empathic, safer and more inclusive campus environment for all.

Friday September 30:
Andrea Smith on Systemic Violence against Native Women and First Nations Land Struggles: Making the Links (Concordia University Hall Building, H-110)

Andrea Smith is a Cherokee feminist, anti-violence activist, academic, and author. Her work focuses on issues of violence against women of color and their communities, particularly Native American women. In 2005 she was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Whisper translation to French will be provided on site.

Monday October 3:
4-8PM: Placard & Banner making for Oct 4th March (see below)

Volunteers are needed! Everyone is welcome!

Tuesday October 4th:
6PM: Annual March for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (Cabot Square, Atwater & St. Catherine, Metro Atwater)

Bridget Tolley founded the October 4th March and Vigil in 2005. Since then, it has happened every year on the anniversary of her mother’s killing by Québec police. In 2010, marches were held in 86 communities. This number increases with each year. The purpose of this event is to honour the memories of hundreds of missing and murdered Native women.

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