The 2110 centre for gender advocacy in conjunction with head and hands
is please in invite you to our three part Know your Rights Workshops Series
Monday March 22 from 2-3h30
Legal issues related to
-The implications of using a chosen name on any official documents:
Checks, lease, ticket, job, and/or school application forms etc.
Monday March 29th from 2-3h30
Gender related issues with relation: To a dealing with police officers,
teachers and/or employers and/or public space
Wednesday April, 7th (time to be announced)
The process to a legal name change at DEC (Directeur de L’etat Civil)
What do we need? What are the criteria to be eligible? How does it cost?
*Please note that childcare and whisper translations are available with 48hours notice.
*all workshops will take place at the 2110 Centre for Gender Advocacy
*for more information please call 514.848.2424 x. 7431 or email