Reproductive Justice: Protest Motion 312 on Parliament Hill (Bus to Ottawa!/Bus à Ottawa!)

Guess who’s trying to attack reproductive rights again? Harper

And guess who’s going to tell him we are watching him? Us!

The conservative government is using the “private motion” technique to reopen the abortion debate. This is quite in line with what is being done in the states where women are becoming more and more criminalized (again!) for exercising their reproductive rights.

M-312 will be debated in the House of Commons on April 26th, 2012.

On April 25th, join us for a protest on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Bus is free, bring your lunch (and any signs or props you like!). We leave from 2110 Mackay (metro Guy-Concordia) at 9am and should be back in Montreal by 5pm.

We have 48 places total so please RSVP in advance by emailing

The event is organized by the Radical Handmaids: