The Centre for Gender Advocacy condemns the ruling upholding Mohammad Majoub’s security certificate

CGA-logo_v2On October 25th, Justice Edmond Blanchard ruled that the security certificate under which Mohammad Majoub has been held without charge since 2000 is reasonable, this despite also noting that Majoub’s “right to a fair trial pursuant to…the Charter and right to be free of unreasonable search and seizure have been violated”.

It is cruelly ironic that Majoub, who came to Canada in 1995 seeking asylum from the Mubarak regime in Egypt, has faced such violations of natural justice here in Canada. Majoub has faced extensive time in solitary confinement and has waged hungerstrikes to protest his unjust treatment.

There is nothing reasonable about being held without charge and without right to a fair trial. The Centre for Gender Advocacy stands in solidarity with Mohammad Majoub and all those held under security certificates. We call for the revocation of all security certificates, and for the security certificate system to be abolished. This violation of justice reduces the safety and security of us all.

The Centre for Gender Advocacy