Volunteer Orientation, Monday, October 19th, 5pm-7:30pm

Hello all!

The 2110 Centre for Gender Advocacy would like to a extend many thanks to everybody who made it out our many Too Cool For School Events throughout the month of September, as well as to those who helped out with tabling, promoting events, making Safer Sex Kits, and more!

You are cordially invited to the 2110’s official Volunteer Orientation on Monday, October 19th, from 5pm-7:30pm to learn about the many different opportunities to get involved, whether it is with campaigns, programming, or services that the Centre offers. There will be free food!

The Centre is located at 2110 Mackay (near Metro Guy Concordia).

People directly implicated in the 2110’s many projects will present on the following volunteer opportunities:

*Radical Librarianism

*Campaigns (including Missing Justice, the Reproductive Autonomy Campaign, and The Solidarity ID Project)


*Trans Health Network

*Resource Centre Development

*Peer Support and Advocacy Program

and more!!!