2110 Centre Garage Sale!

2110 Centre Garage Sale (!!!!) – Proceeds to benefit the Solidarity ID Project.
NEXT TUESDAY JUNE 16th, 12-6pm at the 2110 Centrefor Gender Advocacy
(2110 Mackay st.)

The 2110 Centre will be hosting a garage sale next TUESDAY June 16th to benefit the Solidarity ID Project. Come for a delicious thirst-quenching lemonade stand, clothes, kitchenware, trinkets, books, etc.

The Solidarity ID Project, initiated by the 2110 Centre for Gender Advocacy and Le Frigo Vert is about highlighting issues that arise when there are discrepancies between official papers and personal identification. It is a project that seeks to acknowledge that people should have agency in the ways that they are represented. A large part of the project is to raise awareness about identity, self-determination and representation.
We wish to address issues surrounding, but certainly not limited to, transsexual/transgender/gender-non-conforming people, indigenous struggles, and migrant identities. We are dedicated to making our organizations accessible to people wishing to use names of common usage that differ from their legal ones. For more information contact: